We finally set you free.
After almost 2 years, we finally set you free.
We still had your ashes with us and we couldn't let go. We were nothing but shadows of sorrow and you were imprisoned by the chains of our suffering.
The place might not be the prettiest but it's a place filled by both mine and your father's memories... and what good and beautiful memories!
I thought I would cry but I didn't. Instead I laughed... happy, light and free, when the wave of water came to our feet and took the ashes that we held on for so long. I laughed and it felt so good because all this time we weren't letting you go and we weren't letting ourselves breathe.
No matter where we go, we will always be close to you, for the sea goes wherever it wishes to go... and as the sea is free to do so, you finally are too.
- # Spirit Bear.